Most people go into the restaurant business because they have a passion for delicious food. However, you also have to know how to ensure that your restaurant makes good money. Here are some tips on how to increase the sales of your Italian restaurant.
1. Develop an online presence
Many people are afraid of the Internet, but the truth is that the Internet is a great asset to you and your business! Create a website. Make sure the website works well in both a mobile format and a standard format. You'll also want to clearly display your address, phone number, and hours on the main page. Don't forget to use social media, too! Have fun while posting on social media. If you create something funny, people might even share it! It's a great way for people to learn about your business. Encourage customers to like your page on social media by giving them a coupon to do so. Finally, give people who prefer ordering delivery online a convenient way to do so. Sign up for apps and other websites that offer delivery services.
2. Make your menu smaller
Some restaurant owners think that they can encourage more people to come to their restaurant by offering a wide range of items. However, more items on the menu mean more inventory costs. Determine what items you don't sell very often and take them off the menu. There's no point in keeping an item in stock if it's not popular with your customers.
3. Focus on your current customers
There are two ways to get business:
- get new customers to walk through the door
- repeat customers
Focus on getting current customers to come back! Accomplish this by making customer service a top priority. Hire servers who are friendly, fast, and accurate. You can also try offering a loyalty program that encourages customers to come back to get a discount. You can also help your customers promote your business by selling merchandise with the name of your restaurant. It can be as simple as providing customers with a to-go cup that advertises for you.
4. Upsell!
Customers may not want dessert if your servers don't offer it to them. Advise all servers to offer extras to help increase sales. Remind your servers that the higher the bill, the larger the tip. You can also implement contests to see which server can sell the most appetizers, desserts, or drinks.